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Dive into the world 

Deep Healing Journey


POWER mentoring


Are you


As an expert in energy transformation work, I accompany successful people and those who want to become one in their private & professional life at all                              to surpass yourself. 

My focus is on the                                                       Work using the latest research in quantum physics & neuroscience, so you can overcome deep-seated blockages, beliefs & Fears at the neuronal cell level sustained in                                                        can transform. ​

In my work I combine all my knowledge from quantum physics, aura surgery, my                         &

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I accompany 


They are based on qualified training and further education, on my spiritual abilities, as well as my                                              , the                                   , directing "above". ​

I look forward to welcoming you with my offers on the journey to your authentic & to be able to accompany successful being full of self-love.

so i can you


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Find out,

how great your life can become.




Get more ease into your life step by step and overcome your blockages. 

heart power


Discover your authentic self and live your life with all your heart.



Grow from the inside out and get your business up and running.



Bring abundance into your life on all levels. Whether financially or in your environment.





You are here


          ...if "normal" is not your goal, but                                               .


           ...if your goal is that it's not just "okay." running,but really good! 


         ...when you get out of uncertainty, into clarity and                                                                                                               want. 

                     ...if you are willing to spend more than                   to get

                                  whatever that for dI can be called! 

          ...if you feel that logic and reason are not everything in the world,

                           but exists more between heaven and earth. 

         ...if you are ready to overcome your blockages and energetically                                           Your entire                            want to live. 


-  alma

THANKS! Thanks to working with Denise, my professional career is going exactly where I want it to be. In the last 6 months, thanks to Denise's blockade solutions, all doors have opened for me.My life has changed noticeably positively.  She has a wonderful way of transporting her spiritual power. Warm signposts full of love in exactly the right direction. I feel comfortable in her hands and can fully let go! I have absolute confidence in her work and would recommend her to anyone who wants to finally move forward in life. 

When working with Denise, you simply feel the bond that you have within you and you pass it on. You can let yourself go because you feel good.I find your voice soothing, that makes a big difference, especially with your recordings. I feel safe, you wear one. I find your charisma simply positive and honest! Denise catches you with warmth and love,that you simply feel through and through with you.  

Charity support

-  Participant does not want to be named

Charity support

-  laura

The spiritual work with Denise is just wonderful! You can feel their energy and power directly! Dear Denise, you gave me so much strength and positive energy at a time in my life when I really needed it, without your treatments I would not have been able to become the person I am today! Thank you very much for your gift ; Resolving things, for me and my life you and your work are an incredible enrichment ❤️
All the best 

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-  melanie

I had a project ahead of me that was very important to me, but it seemed that something (or even myself) was blocking this project.

I just didn't know what to do, even though I wanted the project to be a success so badly. I just couldn't solve the blockage on my own. So I approached Denise, who then did several energetic sessions with me. In the sessions I immediately felt comfortable and held, which is why I was able to open up well. Even if I can't explain it...sometimes you don't have to, but: All doubts, blockages and everything that stood between me and the project energetically disappeared!

I was able to record a huge success and that's what I have

Thanks to Denise! 

Charity support

The spiritual work with Denise is just wonderful! You can feel their energy and power directly! Dear Denise, you gave me so much strength and positive energy at a time in my life when I really needed it, without your treatments I would not have been able to become the person I am today! Thank you very much for your gift ; Resolving things, for me and my life you and your work are an incredible enrichment ❤️
All the best 

-  laura



-  Danilo


green pattern

-  Ralph

Und ich wurde nicht enttäuscht, denn ich konnte genau sagen, wann Denise mich per Fernheilung behandelte. Mir wurde regelrecht warm in der Brust, was sehr angenehm und wohlfühlend war. Wir telefonierten später, so dass ich ihr genau die Zeiten ihrer Behandlung nennen konnte. Der Arzt meinte noch in der selben Woche, dass er es sich nicht erklären kann und er es noch nie gesehen hat, das jemand so schnell heilt. Für mich ein absolutes Schlüsselerlebnis und danke für Ihre Unterstützung! Heute bin fitter als vor 10 Jahren. Aufgrund meiner sportlichen Aktivitäten verfügte ich über einen ganz guten Fitnesszustand. Das hat sicherlich auch dazu beigetragen, dass ich keinerlei bleibende Schäden davon getragen habe. Aber mit Sicherheit hat dabei Denise positiv mitgewirkt. Und ich wußte bis dato nicht, dass es so etwas überhaupt gibt. Hatte auch noch nie Probleme. Wichtig ist für mich die Tatsache, dass es wesentlich mehr gibt, als die Schulmedizin, die oft genug an ihre Grenzen kommt. Deshalb ist es um so erfreulicher, dass es Menschen wie Denise gibt, die mit ihrer Gabe anderen Menschen helfen! Und das ist heutzutage nicht selbstverständlich! Danke Denise! Liebe Grüße Ralf aus der Nähe von Hamburg.


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