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to you

Spine straightening/straightening: what exactly is it and what is it good for?
The spine in its gross and subtle structure is a central point for the physical and spiritual well-being of man and thus the key to all levels of consciousness in him. Maintaining and balancing them is therefore a factor of paramount importance.
The condition of the spine is directly related to the state of human health. The correct alignment of the spine thus forms a central basis for recovery. These are not new discoveries.
The spine is the most important energy channel in our body. Our nervous system runs through our spine and feeds our internal organs.
Negative experiences in our lives and past lives are stored in the spine. This can cause the spine to become crooked.
The flow of energy is disturbed and vitality cannot flow freely. This can lead to numerous problems such as physical imbalance, blockages and discomfort. If we look at the spine from the subtle level, it takes on the function of a memory store. Silent witness of unresolved conflicts until she can no longer remain silent and wants to gain attention through pain.
New energy flows through the divine straightening of the spine, the chakras open and powerful universal energy can flow unhindered through the spine.
For whom is an application suitable?
This comprehensive application helps people and animals, regardless of their age, symptoms or the progression of a disease. The earlier the correction is made, the better the chance of avoiding future diseases. I work with embryos in the womb, children from the first week of life and adults of all ages and recommend it to anyone who wants to embark on their own spiritual journey. Divine Spine Healing can be used for the following issues:
Hollow back/convex back problems
Chronic back problems
Pelvic positioning (different leg lengths)
Unusual shoulder position
Muscular tension
After your spine straightening session is:
The spine is erect.
Corrected the position of the shoulder blades.
Corrected the position of the pelvis.
The energy channels are open.
The straightening always works. Everyone perceives it differently, and everyone experiences it differently physically and mentally. The intention of the spinal straightening and the "result" are not related to the practitioner.
What will always happen is what is allowed to heal now (i.e. at the current time), on all levels, mentally and physically.
Already the old high cultures had the knowledge about these connections, which today is being brought back into the consciousness of mankind.
In most cases, the straightening of the spine without physical contact or changes to the skeleton is possible during a single treatment by the primal power of creation.
The back muscles relax, the spine straightens, the tilted pelvis and shoulder blades are balanced, and the leg length discrepancy is eliminated in most cases. The effects of straightening seem miraculous in our overly materialistic world.
A mental straightening of the spine happens in a matter of seconds, without the use of symbols or mantras, but solely through the power of universal energy.
Therefore, this method is also very comprehensive and by no means limited to the spine, but covers the whole person with his spirit, soul and body.
Healing always starts from within. A return to the universal order.
Clear, ordering structures are restored. The self-healing powers are freed so that they are again able to fulfill their task. Then the body can follow.
When the time is right, things change.
Why do we stoop through life?
During its development in the mother's womb, the little being not only forms itself physically, but also emerges from the unity of the absolute and increasingly enters the world of duality. It dives into the sphere of the relative and gradually experiences what it means to live through conflicts. Some of these conflicts do not simply resolve, leaving traces that become visible as the being leaves the womb and makes its way into the world. In this process, it struggles to walk upright through life.
Over time, it will learn strategies to manage conflict and ensure its survival. In addition, less helpful information is often stored in the spine, which goes back over seven generations.
It will learn different behaviors and life patterns that are strongly influenced by its parents and the environment in which it grows up.
Let It go
let it flow
be the glow